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  • Interesting Games

    Trice's Chess has been played since the year 2000. Previously it was known as "Gothic Chess." Some of the games in the earlier stage of development, the so-called "formative years," lack sophistication compared to some of the most recent games. We include these here for the sake of posterity, and to showcase how play has changed "over the years." Initially, we played many games by opening with 1. f4 which is the functional equivalent of 1. e4 in older 8x8 chess. Later, 1. d4 become more fashionable, but not for the corresponding reason to the liaison opening in regular chess. It is more flexible, tends not to "hem in" either Bishop, and allows White the opportunity to initiate the first real threat in the game. Lately, National Master John Vehre and Ed Trice pioneered the 1. g4 line, referred to as The Spike opening. That opening is the most aggressive, offers the greatest scope for original play, and is one of the most complicated ways to create middlegame tactical shootouts.

    Enjoy the games!

    August 04, 2000 Biju Samuel vs. Ed Trice
    Black checkmates on move 10
    This is the first known recorded game of Trice's Chess. It was played in the lunchroom of the law firm of Morgan, Lewis & Bockius on the 19th floor of 1701 Market Street in Philadelphia. It was played as a 10-minute blitz game, so some of the moves are not stellar under rigid examination. What is demonstrated most of all is creativity. A different kind of thinking must go into the potential lethal combinations in Trice's Chess. Who saw the checkmate coming with the Chancellor at the end?
    January 17, 2001 IM Larry Kaufmann vs. Ed Trice
    Black resigned on move 41
    This game was played many years before Larry earned his Grandmaster title. It was likewise played at Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, but this time in their Washington D.C. office. At the time Ed Trice was a computer contractor hired to redesign the payroll system for that large law firm. The game was played during his lunch break while several employees observed. Ed was not nearly as strong as he is today, and the shoddiness in his play is very apparent. Still, this game is important for historical documentation.
    March 24, 2003 Grim Reaper vs. Letchworthcrossing
    White checkmates on move 62
    These were the early online accounts of Ed Trice from the USA and Collin Smith from Great Britain on the playing site. They would face each other again 20 years later also! (as GothicChessInventor and Staffordshire) This variant was only three years old at the time and both players were still in the formative stages of their playing careers. Here white fianchettoes his kingside Bishop and castles early. After 14...Qd7 black has a nearly ideal setup with the Queen and Chancellor stacked in the d-file, the Queen supporing its light-squared Bishop on one diagonal crossing while the Archbishop does the same on the perpendicular crossing, with a two-toned Pawn structure ready to support Pawn breaks on either color rather easily. With 16. Ac5 white creates a Skork with his Archbishop, a skewer and a fork, threatening the the black Queen with the Archbishop's Knight aura and the black Chancellor with its Bishop aura. This allows white to win the Light Exchange (Chancellor for Archbishop). After a fair amount of manuevering, 40. f7 has white knocking on the door of a Pawn promotion. Black has to dedicate time and energy to remove this Pawn, which white exploits and gains a mateial advantage. After 57. e5 white has another deadly passed Pawn that ultimately promotes and leads to what is perhaps the first-ever two Chancellor checkmate.
    August 25, 2003 Juan Grande vs. Ed Trice
    White checkmates on move 15
    Played in the early days of Trice's Chess when people played 1. f4 as if it was the equivalent of 1. e4 in 8x8 chess, which it is not. It is one of the earliest realizations that Nh6 and Bg4 made for a powerful attacking posture for black. It is also perhaps the first game to show how deadly the Chancellor can be once the i-Pawn comes off of the board when the King is castled kingside. The stunning sacrifice Axh3+ must have come as quite a surprise to white. With the most accurate defense white can draw, but that never stops Ed Trice from playing with aggression. The last five moves are worthy of study.
    October 03, 2004 Ed Trice (Archbishop odds given) vs. Mattolin
    White checkmates in 38 moves
    Here is an interesting game played on where white offered material odds at the start of the game. Ed plays without his Archbishop the entire game. This was played at blitz time controls of Game in 12 minutes with a 12 second increment per move, at the request of black. The game features white castling on move 4, something you cannot do otherwise in Trice's Chess (the removed Archbishop allows this to happen one move sooner than usual.) Black intends to attack hard against the j2 square by trading the c8 Bishop for the h3 Knight, then stacking up the Queen-Archbishop-Bishop all on the same diagonal (d8-e7-f6...j2). Black is poised to make quick work of the game, and white, almost suicidally, opens the e-file, for the half-threat of getting the castled Rook to hit against the Archbishop on e7 and Chancellor on e8. Mattolin dodges this easily with 11...Cg7 then 12...Ag6, bringing these pieces ever closer to the enemy King. Trice tries to play passively after Mattolin castles, but 17...g4!? breaks things open and the attack begins. With 23...Nxg2+!? we see black again acting very aggressively, forcing most of white's play. Trice counters with the only means at his disposal, short range tactics to accumulate pawns, while the strongest majors are exchanged. After 25...Axg3, black looks to be winning, as ...Ah2 would be mate if the white Rook could be pulled off of the second rank. With some keen play with rooks in the open files, and some excellent coordination with his very active Knight, white creates his only tangible threats of the game. Mattolin goes counter-Pawn-hunting with the Archbishop, stranding it in the a-file, far from the white King. The checkmate that is delivered with white's Bishop, Rook, and Knight almost looks like a subtle creation of an endgame problem composer.
    October 14, 2004 Ed Trice (USA) vs. Uwe Kreuzer (Germany)
    White checkmates on move 20
    Another one of the formative Trice's Gambit games, where players knew they had to defend h7, but the exact procedure for it was not yet known. Uwe Kreuzer tries to assign this job to his Chancellor on f6 so that his Archbishop need not retreat to g8, but things don't work out well this way. Ed mobilizes his army to attack quickly, and black is soon overwhelmed. Uwe does realize white's sacrifice could lead to a solo Archbishop checkmate, so he tries to clear a flight path for his King by moving his Chancellor. But he missed the tactic that was on its way, and it's an attractive checkmate using only the Archbishop.
    October 16, 2004 Ed Trice vs. Robert Colanzi
    White checkmates on move 15
    This game between "old chess friends" Rob Colanzi and Ed Trice ranks high on our list of favorites because of the interesting sudden turn of events. Black plays a typical "King's Indian" type of game, with a fianchetto of the King's Bishop on the primary long diagonal for his side. Notice there are actually three long diagonals in each direction (a1-h8, b1-i8, c1-j8) and (j1-c8, i1-b8, h1-a8) in Trice's Chess. The game proceeds in a logical fashion, each side develops their pieces in a typical manner with some shared symmetry. White plays the move 7. j3 which appears to be a complete waste of time, but the objective of the subsequent manuever Nh3-j2-i4 requires the j2 square to be vacated. After 13. g4! almost everyone looking at the game thinks White has dropped his Queen, and indeed Rob plays NxQ (which is 13...Nxd4) next. But there is a stunning mate in two with just the Knight and Bishop after immediately sacrificing another major piece: the deadly achbishop. After 14. Aj6+ either 14...Kj8 15. Bxi7# mates, or the finish my smiling opponent saw and chose to allow for posterity.
    November 2, 2004 - December 12 2005 Ed Trice (USA) vs. George Tsavdaris (Greece)
    White checkmates on move 39
    Played on the old website at time controls of 7 days per move! This was an early try at forging the theory of Trice's Gambit. Starting out 1. c4 f5 2. Nc3!? Axc4 black grabs the white c-pawn and accepts the gambit. White plays the remainder of the game striving to gain time by chasing more valuable black pieces with less valuable white ones. This was played in the spirit of never surrender! and many turn-based games of this era were fought to the death, no matter how perilous the position! In his formative years, Ed played very "materialistically," and this game is no exception. Lots of "in your face" combinations and extensive use of first the white Archbishop, then the white Chancellor. The purple diagrams in the animation are side variation and "what if" lines, replete with the associated refutations. This game insprited George Tsavdaris to study this variant carefully, and later on we see him exact his revenge, but not in this game.
    December 22, 2004 Ed Trice (USA) vs. Andreas Kaufmann (Germany)
    Black resigned on move 21
    Part of a 4-game match from the first International Tournament for Trice's Chess. Both Andreas Kaufmann and Uwe Kreuzer of Germany made strong showings in this tournament, and the Trice-Kaufmann battles captured the most attention. This game features a gradual build-up, then with one Knight incursion, the initiative swung convincingly to white's side. Black's pieces are soon in the awkward situation of having to "interfere" with the radiating attacks from the white pieces, rather than fully defending the position. With one miscalculated move by black, white is able to end the game with a surprise Queen sacrifice leading to a rare solo-checkmate by the Chancellor on the next move. Black resigned without waiting to deal with it.
    February 14, 2005 Ed_Trice vs. Benoit_Fressinet
    White checkmates on move 18
    As the marketing and promotion of the Trice's Gambit Thematic Tournament was still underway, an unusual challenge echoed through certain internet discussion boards. The "brother of a Grandmaster" claimed he had found a way to win as black when playing Trice's Gambit. So, Ed accepted the challenge to play one game as white against him after 1. c4 f5 2. Nc3 Axc4 was the designated starting position. This claim was soon demonstrated to be "full of hot air" as Ed checkmated his opponent in less than 20 moves.
    May 16, 2005 Andreas Kaufmann (Germany) vs. Ed Trice (USA)
    Black resigned on move 37
    In one of the first large international tournaments, this was Ed Trice's first lost. Andreas Kaufmann played 1. h4 which is an opening move rarely seen, and perhaps worth further investigation. Both sides have castled by move 14, and the stage is set for an equal middlegame. White is able to control the action, gradually moving his pieces to the kinside for an attack. Black, in unfamiliar territory, commits a few moves demonstrating his indecisiveness. After black grabs a meaningless Pawn with 26...Qxa2, white proceeds full steam ahead with his attack. With a Queen and Chancellor hunting the black King, white crowns his victory with a nice sacrifice.
    July 05, 2005 Robert Colanzi vs. Ed Trice
    White checkmates on move 36
    One of the earliest games played on the beta version of our first online website (and man, the site was ugly!) Opening with 1. e4 e5 (the Chancellor's Pawn), which has since fallen out of fashion (perhaps undeservedly so), Rob manages to castle first while Ed "goes on a fishing trip" with his Chancellor. Playing Cc7 as black is a bad omen. The Chancellor does much better to launch into the g-file rather than the c-file. It tends to get stranded on the queenside, and such is the case here. Rob correctly trades his Chancellor for black's Archbishop along with the opportunity to seize the open f-file. White's rooks soon seize the 7th rank, setting up a nice Archbishop checkmate. Black had a mate in 2 in the final position, if he could only move!
    July 05, 2005 Ed Trice (USA) vs. Andreas Kaufmann (Germany)
    Black resigned on move 35
    Another Thematic Tournament was held in Prague in 2005 where Trice's Gambit was agreed to be played in a series of 2 game matches. Each player played the same opening line beginning with 1. c4 f5 2. Nc3 Axc4 as both white and black. This early gambit turned out to produce exciting games with decisive attacks. The question is: Does black have time to grab the c-Pawn and retreat without losing too much momentum? This game does not disappoint, as the gambit progenator sacrifices material in an unorthodox fashion to get the black King in all kinds of trouble. After 35 moves, the weary defender calls it quits in an inferior position, some would say too early to resign in, although there are no winning chances for his side. We see a Queen sac, Knight sac, and Chancellor sac in this awesome game.
    July 07, 2005 Ed Trice (USA) vs. George Tsavdaris (Greece)
    Black checkmates on move 40
    One of the best games of Trice's Chess ever played, and one that Ed Trice himself analyzed on and off for over 15 years to try to better understand. George plays "the game of his life" with profound manuevers and long range strategic objectives that seem to defy our common sense. He gives up his Chancellor for Ed's Archbishop early on in the game, something which usually features the underdog with the remaining Archbishop about to go on a rampage! Instead George only moves his Archbishop 2 more times in the next 25 moves. Ed's Chancellor, Queen, and Rook are stacked vertically in the d-file, a stronger formation than Alekhine's Gun, yet he can't make use of them. The shocking Pawn thrust i5! by black miraculously causes a slow-motion collapse of the white position. A game you must see!
    October 05, 2005 Cartaphilus vs. TwirlingFern
    Black resigned on move 34
    A game that transposes into the ever-popular Genesis Opening black tries an early sortie with Ng4, an aggressive reaction, but white has a violent reply. The early opening stage fireworks are fun to watch as the sparks fly. Cartaphilus was an expert (USCF 2000) level player from California, and his tactical prowess was on display in this game. TwirlingFern makes the most of his chances and tries to keep it respectable. In the end, white has the clearly won game, so black respects that and resigned.
    October 06, 2005 Cassius vs. Cartaphilus
    White resigned on move 15
    Cartaphilus never disappoints with his dynamic, even risky tactics. Cassius (Uwe Kruezer of Germany) tries to steer clear of The Genesis opening early on. Cartaphilus just throws a hammer at him, demonstrating why certain moves are played in the order they are supposed to be played. Cassius gets a little too aggressive with his Chancellor, and soon finds himself "in too deep." Cartaphilus has a deadly but easy-to-see combination waiting for him at the end. Frustrated, white resigns early. The game of Trice's Chess will punish mistakes without mercy.
    October 07, 2005 Robert Colanzi vs. Ed Trice
    Black checkmates on move 15
    One of the most entertaining games on the site that you will see. Played on a Friday night after a few beers, Ed decided to violate every opening principle and measure of sound advice. Black brings out his Chancellor, and just keeps moving it around with reckless abandon. Rob chases it around, as any self-respecting player would. Then in a moment of buzzed inspiration, Ed finds a sneaky trick, if white gets too greedy. Can you see the surprise checkmate at the end?
    October 07, 2005 Larry Lepes vs. Cartaphilus
    White resigned on move 32
    Newcomer Larry Lepes crosses swords with online account "Cartaphilus" who is an expert class chess player. White plays cautiously in the opening, and swashbuckling Cartaphilus brings out the heavy artillery at once. Forced to make a retreat, black redeploys his forces quickly and "all over the place" The black Archbishop and Chancellor are merciless in their onslaught. White resigns once resistance is futile.
    October 09, 2005 Ed Trice vs. Cartaphilus
    White checkmates on move 25
    This game is interesting because Cartaphilus openly declared that he found a sure-fire way to win as black in the Trice's Gambit opening. This has happened on more than one occasion with another player making a similar claim. Stirring the controversy in the middle of the Thematic Tournament where that opening MUST be played by both sides, black continued to make grandiose claims. For once, and to the surprise of many, Ed remained quiet during all of the posturing. He "let his moves do the talking," and several of these were worthy of "style points" along the way. Watch as Ed surrouds the enemy King and delivers back-to-back Pawn checks, and the only legal move is for the enemy Queen to take the pawns. Ed picks up the Queen but black stubbornly plays on until the end.
    November 10, 2005 Cartaphilus (USA, California) vs. WhiteTower (Greece)
    Black checkmates on move 41
    George Tsavdaris tries a rare Sicilian Gambit (3...c5) in answer to the early aim for The Genesis Opening by white. Both sides attack each other immediately 5...f5 6. Cf3! and after 15. Bf4! h6! we have one of the most complex middlegames ever seen. Black tosses the Light Exchange at white 18...Cxg2! 19. Kxg2 and there's no lightning bolt shot to crown the achievement; rather George switches gears from tactics to strategy and thoroughly confounds white. Just examine the postiong after 28...Ad5 and try to make sense of it. Black brings the game to a close in style with continued pressure and timely pins.
    April 14, 2006 Larry Lepes vs. Michael Ferris
    White checkmates on move 5
    This game is more of a known trap than actual contest between two equally matched combatants. Michael was literally brand new to the game, and Larry was being devious in rolling out the red carpet for him. Getting the Chancellor into the same file as the enemy King can produce a so-called "smothered checkmate." It is impossible to produce such a checkmate in 8x8 chess so quickly. As a result, many newcomers get blindsided by this kind of attack. Adding insult to injury, the Chancellor remains under attack on the very same move the checkmate is delivered.
    May 28, 2006 Grandmaster Bobby Fischer vs. Grandmaster Friðrik Ólafsson
    Draw agreed
    Possibly one of the last private Bobby Fischer game played casually in Iceland while awaiting the arrival of Ed Trice, Frank Camaratta, Titus Keiningham, and the gorgeous model Alexis Skye. Ed Trice raised $15 million to get Fischer to play a match against Anatoly Karpov in the 10x8 variant known as Gothic Chess at the time. The team arrived in Reykjavik on June 7, 2006 to present Frank Camaratta's 10x8 board with the new piece designs. This was not the first time Fischer played this variant, and he and his trusted Grandmaster friend demonstrate some deep and subtle notions in this game. Fischer prefers to solidify his King at the expense of a Pawn or two, gets his own Knight kicked from c3 back to b1, yet still emerges with the best chances. True to his well-known montra, Bobby had to "give squares to get squares," but his clever opponent hangs a Bishop intentionally to secure a clever draw at the end.
    July-August, 2006 Grandmaster Friðrik Ólafsson vs. Grandmaster Bobby Fischer
    White resigns after move 58
    From some cryptic notes in Fischer's belongings, discovered after his death in 2008. As Fischer prepared for his upcoming match with Anatoly Karpov, he analyzed games with his friend and confidant, Grandmaster Friðrik Ólafsson. This particular game was played as pure analysis. Fischer and Olafsson played just 2 or 3 moves per day over the phone from July to August, with a few days break in between. They finished the game at Fischer's apartment in person because, according to the notes left by Fischer, he had a clever way to promote a pawn. The notes were in Fischer's own version of the older Descriptive Notation, such as 18. AxP CxP 19. PxC QxP for example. This game is filled with great sacrifices by Fischer in seemingly quiet positions where such play is unexpected. The combinations are amazing and the game is one of my favorites.
    October 14, 2006 Ed Trice vs. Grandmaster Susan Polgar
    Black checkmates on move 32
    Grandmaster Susan Polgar won the Women's World Chess Championship 4 times! She was in Philadelphia to give a 65-board chess simul and to meet Ed Trice. She was helping with the Bobby Fischer vs. Anatoly Karpov match where they would both play Trice's Chess. In the event Bobby Fischer was incapable (or refused) to finish the match, she would step in and continue to play for the sake of the sponsors. In this game, Ed attacked very quickly, getting a huge lead in development that looked overwhelming. Susan realized he was "overdeveloped," and many of his pieces were targets that had to retreat (for many moves in a row!) eventually. Beautiful play by Susan crowns a Queen sacrifice leading to an "Arabian Checkmate."
    Mystery Date Famous Player vs. Grandmaster
    White checkmates on move 44
    This game appears in Ed Trice's multiple-book series, "Better Than Chess," in one of the later volumes. The players are not disclosed here online. It is the last known game of a famous chess player. The rest is revealed in the book.
    July 09, 2017 Sergey Bugaevsky vs. Ed Trice
    Black checkmates on move 19
    Sergey is from the far eastern block of Russia and is a knowledgeable 8x8 chess player. He has only been playing Trice's Chess for about a year at the time of this game. This game shows one of the longest "check-bait" combinations ever! The opponent is "baited" into unforced moves which allow a clever checkmate. The move 11...e6!! actually looks like a blunder, since white's 12. g5 is a Pawn move that threatens both the Archbishop on f6 and the Knight on h6 simultaneously. One of them will be captured on the next move. Incredibly, black allows this, lets the Knight get captured, then lets a Bishop get captured with check, all for sake of setting up a Queen sacrifice allowing a checkmate with the Archbishop and Chancellor!
    January 31, 2018 Joker80 Program vs. Ed Trice
    Black adjudicated a win on move 41
    The Joker80 program descended from the "Joker" 8x8 chess program code. It was written by Physicist Harm Geert (who goes by H.G.) Muller from the Netherlands. H.G. might be best known for writing an entire working chess engine using less than 2000 characters of source code! Ed Trice and H.G. hold very different views for the "value" of the pieces on the 80-square board. Both have made compelling arguments in online forums for their particular piece weight assignments. This game was proposed by Ed to showcase "how to win" against such piece weights as the ones chosen by H.G. Ed played some "quirky but correct" moves to get Joker80 into trouble. In the end, he had a Chancellor + 6 pawns and Joker80 had just 6 pawns, so the game was declared a win for Ed.
    January 31, 2018 Ed Trice vs. Chess V Program
    White checkmates on move 35
    After "warming up" by beating the Joker80 program, Ed played against the weaker Chess V program. Chess V was programmed to play many different variants, all roughly equally as bad. Ed decided to play more for "style points" by making unusual and unexpected moves to "confuse" the program. The result is an amusing game that showcases that there is plenty of room for creativity in Trice's Chess. This game was likewise sparsely annotated in an online forum for a while and appears in Ed Trice's book quintilogy "Better Than Chess." Hopefully this will inspire younger players not to fear computer opponents.
    April 24, 2019 Ed Trice vs. Jon Fredrik Asvang
    Black resigned on move 36
    Jon is a FIDE expert chess player rated in the high 2000 range closing in on 2100. He scored impressively in the combined Nordic Championship in 2020 with players from Norway, Sweden, and Finland. Jon tied for 3rd place. In 2019 he started playing Trice's Chess and is a rising star in this variant. Here he plays The Genesis Opening in fine fashion against Ed Trice, but he makes a few non-optimal moves in the early middlegame. This allows Ed to set up an intuitive Knight sacrifice on move 22, which is difficult to evaluate since it is traded for "attacking prospects." In the end it proves to generate enough momentum that white emerges victorious.
    April 24, 2019 Ed Trice vs. Anders Elberg Jensen
    Black resigned on move 60
    Anders is from Denmark and he's an enthusiastic variant player across many different games. Here he totally outplays Ed in the opening, getting 5 attackers on Ed's weak i3 Pawn early in the middlegame. Ed scrambles to find some sort of way to equalize, and he barely avoids being wiped off of the board! White finds a flaw in a few of black's' responses, leading to a long-range strategy that is easy to understand yet takes many moves to realize. After "winning this middlegame battle," white has to avoid a few endgame landmines along the way. The final endgame is a Chancellor against 8 pawns, one of which gets one square from promoting! White barely wins the race to prevent this.
    June 30, 2019 National Master Jon Vehre vs. International Untitled Ed Trice
    Black resigned on move 53
    Ed Trice likes to say "This is my favorite loss." It is a game that does not disappoint the crowd. The tactical complexities generated in the middlegame are almost too numerous to deal with properly. Any of the trades made in the incorrect order, for 11 moves in a row, could have spelled catastrophe for either side! Black plays in true coffeehouse style by moving his Chancellor on move 1, something that should be avoided! This puts added psychological pressure on John to win. Black trades the Chancellor for the white Archbishop early on to create a solid Pawn chain, and white trades a Knight for those 3 formidable pawns. Notice how Ed had the idle threat of Axa2# if white's Chancellor unguards the a2 square, meanwhile John is creating threat after threat from a superior position. The battle is fought hard right down to the Rook and Pawn endgame, that John finally wins. One of the best games of Trice's Chess.
    October 22, 2019 Ed Trice vs. Jarl Carlander
    White checkmates on move 38
    This was a blitz game played online at PyChess before it became a site loaded with immature "cliques" that spread falsehoods about players they do not like. Early on, this particular game had some dull "weaker piece threatening stronger piece" type of back and forth moves. But, it quickly takes on a peculiar aspect. Black wins a Pawn at the expense of having only one piece in play, his queenside Knight, which ends up hopping all the way over to the normal slot reserved for the first move of the kingside Knight. Furthermore, white has already castled and has 3 pieces in play, with a 4th about to deliver check. Most interestingly, during the live streaming of this game, black declared he would "toss the kitchen sink" just to play for a draw. With this modified premise in mind, note how he very nearly achieves this goal, even at considerable material expense! Very impressive play by Jarl. Look at the traps lying in wait in the final few moves of this game. Then, when all seems to be going in black's favor, white uncorks a killer mating tactic by sacrificing his Queen.
    December 17, 2019 Ed Trice vs. Stockfish with Trice's Chess coded
    White checkmates on move 39
    There was an interesting website that hosted some 10x8 variants, including Trice's chess, that ran a Stockfish variant engine online as well. The "clicque" of immature players at PyChess, and the plethora of absurd variants it added later, made it a place only frequented by fools and dotards. My first six games against the Trice's Chess Stockfish engine were all losses for me. It was reaching depth 15-17 very quickly, quite impressive, and finding tactics that were out of this world. After months of practice, I finally found potential weaknesses that could be exploited. As you might expect, this required unorthodox play on my part, and this game features vicious attacks and counters, a must-watch game.
    January 13, 2020 Zied Haddad vs. Ed Trice
    White resigned on move 15
    This might be the first time two chess variant creators faced off against one another ever, or perhaps after at least a century if Jose Capablance played against another variant creator. Zied Haddad is the creator of Musketeer Chess, an 8x8 variant with additional pieces that can be added to the back rank as space becomes available. He encountred Ed Trice on the PyChess website back when it was worth visiting. Ed had been playing Trice's Chess on and off for nearly 20 years at the time of this game, so it was not exactly an even match up. Ed throws out an unexpected Queen sacrifice at Zied, which must be refused. But, it was accepted. The result was a Chancellor rampage that was just about to checkmate with consecutive Bishop moves at the end.
    January 19, 2020 Stockfish with Trice's Chess coded vs. Ed Trice
    Black checkmates on move 42
    Due to glitches on the site this day, the Stockfish variant program that plays Trice's Chess was "only" reaching depth-15. This resulted in some unusual, but interesting choices for moves made during the opening. Ed played solid, "typical" opening moves for a while, electing to get a decent position before attacking. In the middlegame, Trice showed the perfect technique for how to chase down an enemy Archbishop with your own Bishop pair. Stockfish was forced to accept insufficient material for its Archbishop, leading to progressively worse positions. The instructive checkmate that is demonstrated is worth watching.
    March 31, 2020 Zied Haddad vs. Ed Trice
    White resigned on move 21
    The two variant authors face one another again, this time Zied is better prepared. Zied is still "playing 8x8 chess on the 10x8 board" however. His moves are just transplanted and not really adopting to the nuisances of the new setup. Ed Trice dangles his Queen as bait, then lets her fall, all to get the Archbishop activated. The resulting use of the black Archbishop should raise some eyebrows, as it covers a vast amount of territory as Ed "gets his monney's worth" from the Queen sacrifice. As time winds down, white is still undeveloped on the queenside and without attacking prospects. Ed is way ahead on time, so white just resigned.
    April 20, 2020 Ed Trice vs. account e-pluszak
    Black resigned in 25 moves
    Another experienced 8x8 chess player on the website crosses swords with Ed Trice, this time not believing he is the inventor of the game. A humorous conversation takes place during the game as a result. The opening was rather boring. The early middlegame was slow and plodding. Then Ed lets his Queen hang in a situation which appears to give black a huge advantage, but Ed thought way ahead on this passive sacrifice. A deadly Pawn promotion, and entertaining combination, awaits at the end.
    October 06, 2020 Gergely Máté (Hungary) vs. Doug Dysart (USA)
    Black checkmates on move 28
    Here we see USCF Tournament Director and FIDE Arbiter Doug Dysart show his talent. Also famous for being Patient Zero in the Betty Ford Clinic for Chess Variant Addicts, Doug is expert strength in 8x8 chess. Here Doug swerves his way through Gergely Máté's deployments, deftly avoiding trouble while inviting his opponent to "try to attack." Doug baits his opponent into executing a plan that literally misses by a single tempo. Doug's unexpected checkmate at the end may surprise a few readers. Were you able to spot this clever checkmate?
    October 14, 2020 Rick Knowlton vs. Ed Trice
    Black checkmates on move 25
    Rick Knowlton is recognized as the leading mind in the world of modern and ancient chess variants. He is the co-author of the book "A World of Chess: It's Development and Variations through Centuries and Civilizations" which is a fantastic tome in its comprehensive coverage of variants from the 4 corners of the globe. He has also met Ed Trice on several occasions, interviewing him for some of his informatinve YouTube videos. Here Rick makes some cautious play early on, having faced Ed's violent attacks before. Ed gets all three supermajors in play in close proximity, then fans out and covers a vast territory. And as an inside joke, Ed "promised" Rick he would only ever checkmate him with an Archbishop.
    October 26, 2020 "Isaiah" from vs. Ed Trice
    White resign on move 29
    The player with the handle "Isaiah" is a Trice's Chess aficionado that plays on in Budapest. He is very enthusiastic and does not ever refuse a challenge to play. We see an unorthodox opening being tried in this contest. Both players focus on the queenside forces at first. Ed plots an unusual course for his Queen's Knight, sending it all the way to e6 almost without a plausible purpose. Next Ed crowns a complex tactic with an unexpected Chancellor sacrifice. Black resigns after a deadly Archbishop check is nearly mate.
    November 14, 2020 "Llamas" from vs. Doug Dysart
    Black checkmates on move 14
    Any chess player that is familiar with the attacking style of the Italian player "Greco" will appreciate this game. Doug basically "throws the kitchen sink" at his opponent and creates a violent King hunt as a result. The hapless white King is chased clear across the board to the j5 square. A Pawn makes the final checkmating move. This is known as a "David & Goliath Mate" or simply a "Goliath Mate." A very entertaining game to watch.
    November 14, 2020 Ed Trice vs. "Wizard Runner" from
    Black resigned on move 25
    This game starts out in The Spike opening and quickly enters uncharted territory. White establishes the "Broad Pawn Center" and soon gets his knights deep into enemy territory. Black fights on with amazing tenacity, frustrating white at times with his unorthodox barricading technique. In the end, with time running low, black waves the flag of surrender. If you watch this game in video animation mode, you might have to go back and replay it step by step. The wild play in this game will have you scrunching your eyebrows!
    November 14, 2020 "Archbishop Checkmate" from vs. Ed Trice
    White resigned on move 31
    This opening transposes into something that resembles an "Old School" version of The Genesis opening, with a few notable differences. White has a very stable position with a castled King, while Ed seems to get into a bit of trouble. Ed loses the right to castle and his King is even momentarily on the second rank. It is all part of an unlikely, long-range tactic that has a lightning bolt end to it. Ed wins the opponent's Queen then sacrifices his own to get his Chancellor into a killer attacking position. After some fancy footwork with his Chancellor and Bishop, he receives white's resignation.
    March 11, 2021 Ed Trice vs. Anonymous player from
    White checkmates on move 18
    Yet another Spike Opening, but this one features white getting his Archbishop stationed on the d3 square. From here it can do a great deal of damage with g6 a checkmating square in its range. We see white sacrifice a Bishop to deflect the black Queen away from a critical defense. A rare Archbishop + Rook cooperative force for such a short game! Usually we see Chancellor and Bishop tag-team checkmates. As always, any player that wishes their published game to be anonymous, the wish will be granted. However, once I do this, I will never subsequently reveal your name, even if you asked me to do so.
    March 28, 2021 Ed Trice vs. tiagoalves3000 from
    Black resigned on move 24
    Black plays too passively against the aggressive Spike Opening. Ed gets 4 pawns in the center that are ready to get in even deeper, keeping black's pieces at a distance. With his Chancellor on i3 and Archbishop on f2, Ed has black's castled King in the sniper rifle's scope ready to fire upon. Black can only make retreating moves and wait for the final assault to happen. The Chancellor play by white collapses the black King's safety. See if you could spot it at the end.
    April 16, 2021 specialsunflowers1 from vs. Ed Trice
    White resigned on move 16
    White is a strong 8x8 chess player with a 2700 rating on Like most chess players, he opens by pushing his King's Pawn twice, which is 1. f4 on the 10x8 board. This is not the best first move in Trice's Chess however, but there is nothing wrong with it, of course. Ed detects that his opponent is still "thinking like an 8x8 chess player," so he looks for some unfamiliar attacking patterns that will confuse his opponent. The first such pattern is the Knight + Bishop attack against the white Archbishop. It's an "upside down" version of how the attack usually takes place. The straw that broke the camel's back was the offbeat Archbishop attack against the white Rook with the black Knight helping out.
    May 05, 2021 Ed Trice vs. National Master John Vehre
    Black resigned on move 17
    Almost two years since their last encounter, which John won in impressive style, these two titans meet again. While Ed has been playing at least 10 games per week since their last struggle, John has been enjoying war gaming scenarios more than variants. Ed has since taken up the mantle to shape The Spike opening into a formidible weapon, something he and John both researched years ago. This opening lands in the Half Queenside Petroff variation, the most complex offshoot of what is considered the most complex opening in Trice's Chess. Ed has a small notebook on how to play this line, John is seeing it for the first time. It only took one strategic miscue by black to allow white to pounce and get the best of the play.
    July 08, 2021 National Master "eltendorf" on vs. Ed Trice
    Black checkmates on move 26
    This game turns into a classic "street fight" almost immediately. White fianchettoes and looks to try to castle early, but black frustrates the completion of this with some taunting moves that postpones this. Both sides remain uncastled and it is white that gets in the first check that forces the black King to lose castling rights forever. Black enters into a well-planned "tough scrape" after bossing white around, so white takes the bait and relishes getting the counterplay started. White's relentless attacks against the black King (stuck in the g-file) are met with well-timed escapes. Ed's "denouement" is a stunning "interference theme" featuring a Chancellor sacrifice for checkmate, a new pattern worth learning.
    October 23, 2021 Ed Trice vs. "DongrUn" on
    White checkmates on move 16
    This game ends with a spectacular Archbishop solo-checkmate after sacrificing a Chancellor. It is the quintessential example demonstrating how quickly a fatal attack can be congured in Trice's Chess. Even more impressive, white sacrifices a Knight for a Pawn just to get the Archbishop in range to execute the eventual checkmate. Steady, consistent Pawn pressure can lead to positional merit that leads to such lightning bolt tactics. An excellent blend of strategy and tactics. Well worth the price of admission.
    October 29, 2021 Anonymous on vs. Ed Trice
    Black checkmates on move 10
    Another game with a spectacular Archbishop solo-checkmate, but this time, after sacrificing a Queen. The opening is heading for a typical Genesis arrangement, but white veers off this course. White gets a little ambitious with an aggressive Archbishop check that is easily countered. Black blocks with his own Archbishop. Rather than exchange archbishops, white gets greedy and tries to pin black and win his Queen. After black allows white to capture his Queen, the surprise checkmate is demonstrated.
    November 06, 2021 Anonymous on vs. Ed Trice
    White resigned on move 19
    This is becoming known as "The Korchnoi Game," after Victor Korchnoi. Korchnoi, in turn, was known as "Tal in reverse," after legendary merciless attacker World Champion Mikhail Tal. In extremely complex, tactical positions, Tal would increase the complexity by attacking something else while leaving all existing attackers still in place! Korchnoi would do the opposite and allow his opponents to attack him and place his own King in great jeopardy. In this game, Ed emulates Korchnoi by allowing a vicious attack against his King while one of his own pawns guarding the King gets captured on the i7 square. With one surprise move at the last second, all attacks are stymied simultaneously.
    November 20, 2021 Ed Trice vs. Nika Nikatovic
    White checkmates on move 20
    This has been called "The Opera Game of Trice's Chess," after the famous game where Paul Morphy defeated the Duke Karl von Braunschweig and Count Isouard in consultation played during a night at the opera in Paris in 1858. The Morphy game is perhaps the most famous game in 8x8 chess, for its brevity, intuitive sacrifices, and spectacular finish. This Trice's Chess game has many parallel features, including one innocent-looking Pawn sacrifice early on which results in a momentum buildup which cannot be stifled. At several points along the way, instead of opting for an obvious material gain, Ed applies even more pressure and gets the "perfect piece for the job" into play right when it is needed. The fluidity of the resulting attack is impressive to watch as it unfolds. This game was given its name by Trice's Chess enthusiast Doug Dysart.
    November 24, 2021 Ed Trice vs. Nika Nikatovic
    White checkmates on move 10
    Just a few days after their now-famous game, Nika Nikatov Nikatovich challenged Ed Trice to a rematch with the same colors being played. Ed was in top form, drilling tactics for 2 hours per day while building animated GIFs to aid in his study. The result is an amazing ultra-miniature game. The Archbishop solo checkmate at the end comes right after a Knight sacrifice. Were you able to see it coming? Worth watching as a "movie" here on the site.
    December 03, 2021 Nika Nikatovic vs. Ed Trice
    White resigned on move 20
    Ed and Nika go at it again. This time, Nika has the white pieces. Ed positions all four of his minor pieces to attack and work their way closer to the enemy. He doesn't have to actively use a single major or supermajor piece. Notice how instead of winning the white Rook with Bxa1 black plays Bc3! instead. Where can the white Chancellor run to in the final position? A true "strangulation."
    December 12, 2021 Ed Trice vs. Sveshy on
    White checkmates in 12 moves
    A surpringly quick win against another strong 8x8 chess player. Black's first mistake was to allow his Archbishop to be traded for a Bishop and a Knight. This is almost NEVER a good idea. Next, we see a typical "poisoned Pawn" being offered up, captured by the black Queen. Stranded and out of play, the Queen sits on the a3 square while white gets his Chancellor and Archbishop into deadly position. The Archbishop delivers checkmate as black's Chancellor is pinned and cannot recapture, a position you just have to see!
    December 18, 2021 Linden Lyons vs. Ed Trice
    White checkmates in 19 moves
    The very end of the game is the most intriguing part of this contest. Linden is a new enthusiast from Australia who really enjoys playing Trice's Chess. He is one of the most active players on and he's one of Ed's friends on the site. Black makes some aggressive Pawn moves to get Linden in a little bit of a jam. The clever Queen and Knight coordinated attack is worth watching carefully. The move order and the Chancellor sacrifice required at the end are of a puzzle-like quality that you will enjoy.
    January 17, 2022 Stockfish Experimental vs. Ed Trice
    White resigned on move 25
    As a result of some online discussion board "chatter" (trash talk) where fans of Ed Trice were perhaps paying him too much homage, a splinter group from the Stockfish Variant code fork were contacted. These team members were responsible for maintaining the Open Source code segment that allowed Stockfish to play variants. The Stockfish variant code is not authored by the original 8x8 chess programming team but it is supposedly equally as formidable. This experimental version of Stockfish is capable of defeating all other Trice's Chess programs, including Gothic Vortex. The question was raised, could it defeat the inventor of the variant? Although Ed won this game, the team discovered a bug in the program which hindered its play.
    January 19, 2022 Ed Trice vs. Stockfish Experimental
    Black resigned on move 48
    The Stockfish team requested 24 hours to debug and test their Artificial Intelligence code. The time out was granted. Play resumed 2 days later, at which time the Stockfish team disclosed that 600,000 CPU hours were used to train the original algorithm. Ed Trice said since 4,000,000 CPU hours were used to train Deep Mind's "AlphaZero" 8x8 chess program, perhaps more time was needed for his 10x8 variant to be learned by a machine. The team was not very receptive of this innocent remark, and some hostilties were exchanged. In the end, Ed Trice prevailed again, this time promoting a Pawn to a Chancellor to seal the win. Ed offered the suggestion that 80,000,000 CPU hours, minimally, might be needed to train a 10x8 program to play Trice's Chess as strongly as AlphaZero plays 8x8 chess.
    February 22, 2022 Ed Trice vs. Nauthnim
    White checkmates on move 21
    A real 8x8 chess "speed demon," Nauthnim is a player from North Vietnam. His play is fearless. He attacks while under attack, and his play reminds us a bit of Mikhail Tal. When the position becomes complex, we find both players making it even more complex. Pieces are found hanging, even the Queen. Archbishops are on the loose, and knights check and fork kings. It is as if we are watching an Old West gunfight in Tombstone, Arizona. Ed delivers a nice checkmate on move 21 after the dust has settled.
    April 02, 2022 Ed Trice vs. "Checkmate Me With A Pawn"
    White checkmates on move 17
    This was a casual game played between rounds at the 2022 Cincinnati Open. Black had never played Trice's Chess before, but saw Ed playing a simul and asked if he could try "with one special request." Ed was asked to use a Pawn for the checkmate, provided that the Queen was also not nearby. To make sure he would complete the task, Ed made sure his own Queen was off the board early. Black was rated under 1600 in 8x8 chess but his enthusiam for Trice's Chess is well over 2000! He eventually scored 3.0 points in his section which is a pretty good result for a young player.
    April 23, 2022 Ed Trice vs. Linden Lyons
    White checkmates on move 27
    Linden Lyons is a Trice's Chess aficionado from Australia. In this game, Ed offered to play him with Archbishop Odds. White removes his own Archbishop from the board before the start of play. This type of handicapping in 8x8 chess was popular in the late 1800s, and with so much material on the Trice's Chess board, it is a fun way for strong players to provide their opponents with better chances. An experienced player may notice the game starting as if it might be some sort of gambit line, and white does play a little too glibly for rapid development. White gets excellent squares for all of his minor pieces and castles before black even moves his Archbishop. By the time the black Archbishop gets into the playing field, his own King is in the process of being surrounded. Only the second recorded game with Archbishop Odds being won by the oddsgiver.
    May 03, 2022 Doug Dysart vs. Ed Trice
    Black checkmates in 56 moves
    One of the longest games featured on the website, signaling that Doug came well prepared for battle. Ed was in a bad mood, since someone deliberately crashed into his Tesla that day, "to see if it would automatically move out of the way" to avoid the crash. Doug immediate played The Spike opening, and Ed surprised everyone with 1…e5 as his reply. The game was in new territory already on move 2. It quickly broke into a few Pawn skirmishes in between piece manuevers, foreshadowing a long, slow attack to come. The game ends in a puzzle-like fashion, an Arabian-mate using a Chancellor instead of a Rook and Knight. A hard fought game by Doug, who is evolving into a formidable player.
    May 31, 2022 Ed Trice vs. Boris Kruglan
    Black resigned on move 24
    Variant enthusiasts from all over the world are able to find out who's who thanks to search engines. This is how Ed Trice encounters most of his challengers. Boris claimed to be rated "2600" but did not specify if this was FIDE, over the board, or from an online playing site. He was generally overbearing, and he was persistent, so I granted his request for a game. If it really was his first game, he played very well. I threw the Advance Variation of The Spike opening at him, one of the hardest to defend properly. Kruglan played like a typical 8x8 chess player, establishing a broad Pawn center but he could not resist getting his Chancellor into play too early. Ed sacrificed some material to create open lines to the enemy King, and the fight ended soon after the white Queen started her rampage.
    August 25, 2022 Lenny Cavallaro vs. Ed Trice
    Black checkmates on move 17
    Lenny has been playing chess a great many years, and Trice's Chess for about three of those years. He always plays energetically in the opening, and he loves to fianchetto when it's practical. Lenny resisted the temptation to do so in this game, and with good cause. He played a very pragmatic opening, opting for small, tangible improvements to his position. What is special about this game is how quickly it becomes violent. For those who insist bishops are always stronger than knights, take a closer look at the finish of this game. After Ed plays Bxj2+ "it's all over but the shoutin'" as they say. The sacrifice of the Chancellor at the end of the game to allow the Queen + Bishop checkmate is particularly enjoyable.
    October 15, 2022 Wise Experienced Player vs. New Eager Player
    White checkmates on move 31
    A game played between an experienced Trice's Chess player and a decent 8x8 chess player who was new to Trice's Chess. The experienced player makes some moves that, on the surface, appear to be bad. Usually these moves lose material or surrender something that you might not want to give up. The eager player accepts these "gifts" and appears to be better off in so doing, but we find out the wise player was planning ahead and setting traps. This is a "parable game" that appears in Ed Trice's book series, "Better than Chess" but it was an actual game between two combatants. The material sacrifices are worthy of study for anyone seeking to explore the depths of this game.
    November 12, 2022 GM Kravtsiv vs. IM Pavlov
    White checkmates on move 51
    A UNIQUE game played between two strong Russian 8x8 chess players. You get the sense they are "half-playing" chess and half-playing this variant, since some moves are "typical" of 8x8 chess motifs but slightly out of place in the 10x8 environment. For example, as both players push their f-pawns twice, they shut-in their own Bishops in their c-files. The game turns into a long series of Knight maneuvers early on, with the associated antagonistic Pawn play. It is a strategic battle in search of lightning bolt tactics, which appear at the end. An entertaining game produced by a pair of minds with a creative interpretation of Trice's Chess.
    February 21, 2023 Bihasa vs. Gothic Vortex
    Black checkmates on move 77
    Here we see the complex Half Queenside Petroff Variation of what started out in the Genesis Opening. National Master John Vehre has said this line of play "Opens up a can of worms," and Ed Trice calls it the "Tornado Construction Kit." It gets complicated very quickly. Bihasa reached at least depth 19 on every move. Depth 22 was seen a few times. Vortex reached depth 13 every move, but hit 30+ during quiescence when just generating captures. Depths 15-17 were reached near the end of the game. The "amazing thing" was how often the programs disagreed in their displayed lines of play. Look at: 22…Bxh3!? 23. Axh3 Qxh3! 24. ixh3 Ai5! and there is a brief pause in the action. Bihasa must walk into the check and drop material as peril looms. Continue 25. Kh1 Axh3 26. Rf1 Axj2+ 27. Ki2 Ag5 28. h4 Ah6 and the game is far from decided. Vortex maintains a "strange, long lasting initiative" from here even though the Archbishop has no immediate rampage or plunder to undertake. Bihasa could search all day and NOT see this line of play, because of the values chosen for its piece weights.
    March 31, 2023 Leonid vs. Vassily
    Black checkmates on move 22
    Here we have an interesting game featuring some surprising tactics. Not because the tactics are "long range" - because they’re short range with occasional intermezzos with subtle, quiet moves that are profound. They are also not commonplace nor are they typical: we see a creative mind at work playing with the black pieces.
    April 04, 2023 brogg on GreenChess dot net vs. Ed Trice
    White resigns after move 24
    A player of unknown strength appeared on Green Chess, winning games in some esoteric variants. After playing only one game of Ed's variant, he showed some remarkable skill, possibly an 8x8 chess player with good tactical vision. Whenever encountering such an unknown player, Ed tries for some oddball moves that mask subtle combinations in the subterranean weeds. 13…d6 sets up the freeing 14…Nd7 which looks unimpressive but that Knight wants to get to e5 next. 16…Ae5! was even stronger, making the curious 18…d5!? slow motion attack possible, even though the black Bishop on a6 was still hanging. Mate threats come out of nowhere once white takes the free Bishop!
    May 01, 2023 Ed Trice vs. Doug Dysart
    Black is checkmated on move 46
    Ed begins with 1. h4 which has similar objectives as the 8x8 chess line known as Bird's Opening (1. f4) without fear of any Fromm's Gambit continuation. White's 5. Nf4?! was a weak attempt to distract his opponent. Doug chased it to d3 instead, soon seizing the iniative. By the time of 10...Af5 black is well on the way to controlling most of the key white regions on the board. Ed can only turn things around by noticing the g2 square is currently the safest one on the board for his King, so he "allows" his own Chancellor to become pinned by Doug's Archbishop. After 13...Archbishop takes Chancellor with check and King takes Archbishop, white's position continues to improve. The tactic 22. Nj6+ is worthy of study.
    May 08, 2023 GothicChessInventor vs. Staffordshire
    Staffordshire resigns after move 29
    This game harkens back to the era of material oddsgiving where one side gives the other a piece before the first move of the game. Here Ed Trice gives up his Queen's Knight and allows the other person to move first. This would have been known as Knight And Move Odds in the 1800's. Even more confusing, if you click on the link provided to the GreenChess website, you'll see it is black to move first in the game shown there. That's because there was no way to edit the board before the start of the game. To give Knight and move odds white had to throw away the piece then retreat his other Knight to the starting position, after which it was black to move first. The replay of the game shown here is actually white to move while a piece ahead, and you will notice there is no black Knight on the b8 square at the beginning of the game and white is allowed to move first as you would expect. We color converted the game to make it more natural to replay. So Ed is down material to start out with and stil trades his Queen for the enemy Archbishop. We refer to this as losing The Heavy Exchange in Trice's Chess. There's also a Medium Exchange and Light Exchange in this variant. Next Ed sacrifices his only remaining Knight just to have the enemy King recapture onto the 3rd rank. This exposes the King to a barrage of attacks, often called a King Hunt in chess literature. Amazingly, the King Hunt leads to the Queen being checkmated in the final position. That is, the Queen is attacked and has no safe square of refuge (it's not in check of course because it's not a King). Weary from the relentless attack, Staffordshire resigns in exhaaustion. A creative game that one has to see to appreciate!
    May 09, 2023 ChessPlayerMateo vs. Staffordshire
    Black checkmates on move 30
    This is a game where black decides to sacrifice material in serarch of dominance along the diagonals alone. First, a Chancellor is foresaken just to have a specific Pawn recapture that starts to crack open lines in the vicinity of the enemy King. We see a Rook tossed to the wind where a Pawn could capture it, but white doesn't take the bait. So what does black do? He captures a different white Pawn along the same rank, and this time white does take the Rook with a Pawn. And that's all that was needed to set up the tactical combination where black checkmates with his Archbishop and both Bishops exhausting every flight square possible.
    May 26, 2023 panzerschiff vs. Staffordshire
    panzerschiff offered a draw on move 31 which was accepted
    White is retired National Master John Vehre who was also a master in correspondence play in the USCF. This game started out in the Spike Opening: Advance Variation which John helped forge as a strong system many years prior. White maintains an enviable positional advantage throughout most of this game. Black played 13...O-O-O castling queenside early and white delayed kingside castling with 24. O-O much later. Opposite-side castling usually sets the stage for wild kingside attacks, but in this game, the slow-motion buildup to it is played at a very high level that requires deep analysis to appreciate. With pressure mounting after 20. Bd2 black is practically forced to trade his Knight for only two pawns with 20...Nxc4 21. dxc4 Bxc4+ which showed amazing foresight. White anticipated this volley and basically dared black to try and attack his position. Black responded by playing for the most unlikely drawing sequence ever observed. After a bit of necessary manuevering, black disposes of a Pawn, a Knight, and a Bishop to threaten a mate-in-1 with his Rook and Chancellor. White has only one defensive move in reply, and this allows a rare Chancellor Repetition Draw. The purple diagrams at the end show the repetition moves, but they were not played in the actual game.
    June 08, 2023 Staffordshire vs. shogi
    White checkmates on move 18
    The first of two Staffordshire games against shogi played on chess dot com with time controls of 10 minutes per game with a 5-second increment. This was the Genesis Opening: Fischer Attack named after Grandmaster Bobby Fischer who first played Af2 against Grandmaster Friðrik Ólafsson in Iceland in 2006. In this game white has a pretty Queen sacrifice 17. Qxi6+ hxi6 18. Cxi6# checkmating with the Chancellor and Knight in an unusual configuration. Another great game by Staffordshire.
    June 08, 2023 Staffordshire vs. shogi
    White checkmates on move 19
    Another instructive miniature delivered by England's best 10x8 variant enthusiast Staffordshire. This was the Genesis Opening: Reversed Attack line. This variation is characterized by 3. c3 by white, sometimes played after black plays an early ...d5 Pawn push. Recall white usually plays Nc3 to force ...c6 for black, so in playing the c3 line white is making a move typically issued with the other color. White wastes no time dominating the d1-j7 diagonal so we get an advanced preview of where the attack will land. White's 16. Ni5! is the signo dato that the attack is ready. White offers the Archbishop as a sacrifice with 17. Aj7+ and accepting it would lead to an immediate checkmate 17...Nxj7? 18. Qxj7# so black plays 17...Kj8 instead. But this is a brinkmate that cannot be avoided.
    June 10, 2023 Staffordshire vs. Antontio_III
    White checkmates on move 13
    A blitz game from chess dot com played at 10 minutes per game with a 5 second increment per move. Here we see some home preparation from The Urvogel opening (named from the Archaeopteryx fossil found in Germany. The "Ancient Bird" is like the old Bird's Opening in 8x8 chess.) White sets a trap after 6. Qxc1 Ah6 7. Ai5! since after the black Archbishop takes white's Queen with 7...Axc1? 8. Ah7+! is deadly. Staffordshire said he already worked out tactics utilizing the Archbishop and Chancellor pieces that lead to a King hunt. The final coordinating checkmate is rather impressive.
    $100 per win June 2023 Tournament Round 1 TheUsualDK7 vs. Staffordshire
    White checkmates on move 27
    Another impressive and wild game by the creative player from Great Britain. White hangs a Pawn early on, and black snaps it up. The Pawn is returned a few moves later, without an obvious purpose. White is allowed to have his Pawn capture onto the 7th rank and threaten the black Queen! All the while, Staffordshire tightens the noose around his unsuspecting opponent. Pieces are hanging on both sides, and it's hard to figure out who should take what. In the end, black promotes a Pawn to a second Chancellor and delivers a rare 2-Chancellor checkmate!
    August 24, 2023 Rastapopoff vs. Staffordshire
    Black checkmates on move 8
    A stunning minature from the Fast London Counterattack opening. It begins with black offering a Pawn gambit that white accepts, then a black Knight is allowed to be captured trivially without material compensation (a passivle sacrifice), next comes an active Chancellor sacrifice on e3 followed immediately by the other Knight, and this excellent combination is crowned with an Archbishop Solo Checkmate that is amazing to watch.
    August 27, 2023 Staffordshire vs. silly_goofy
    White checkmates in 31 moves
    Staffordshire is a strong variant player from Great Britain. He is not without a sense of humor either. Much later he told me someone contacted him and said, "I can't beat this kid no matter how hard I try. Can you play some unusual and quirky moves that still win? Just to demoralize him for me." In this game, Staffordshire did just that. Notice how 4. g4 loses a Pawn for white but 5. c4! doesn't win it back right away, and, in fact, it offers up another Pawn, which must be refused! (if 5...dxc4? 6. Bxb7! striking the Rook on a8.) Look at further oddball moves by white such as 7. a4 and 9. a5 which advance a Rook-Pawn way too early. These confounding moves still do the job well and frustrate black. Try to find a refutation for moves such as 14. Ra4 or after 16...Nxh2+ 17. Kg2! which eventually allows black to play Knight x Rook. In this game, white had the chance to play a deadly Chancellor's Vortex which is a tactical motif that's so important we inserted special diagrams into this game with notes to explain it as well.
    September 04, 2023 Staffordshire vs. GothicChessInventor 2023 Match Game 1
    Rare draw by insufficient material after white's 67th move
    Staffordshire came prepared for a fight in this long contest. He said if he gets a draw, Ed Trice was to continue playing him until one of them wins three games, which Ed reluctantly agreed to in the end. Black played into the risky Queenside Alekhine: Four Pawn Attack via transposition. White established pawns on c4, d5, e4 and f4 and black attaks on the flank after posting knights on h6 and g4. After 9. Cf3 each of white's supermajors (the Queen, Chancellor, and Archbishop) are tasked with protecting lowly pawns. This is poor use of such strong pieces! Some players are critical of black's 11...Axe4 when he could have taken the white Queen with his Archbishop, but Ed insists the preservation of his own piece outweighed swapping it off of the board. With 13...Af6! black again threatens the white Queen and Chancellor simultaneously with the Archbishop, and leaves white with the difficult choice of which one to save. White's 17. Bc3 skewers black's Chancellor and Rook and just one move later white has both Bishops threatening both of black's Rooks at the same time. Black finds a crazy way out of the mess, and white's well-timed 23. Ah3! exhausts safe options for the black Chancellor, which must lose the Light Exchange (Chancellor for Archbishop). By the time the middlegame passes into the endgame, we get to observe some accurate play by both sides. Black gets pawns down to a2 and b3 forcing white to sacrifice his Rook to prevent them from promoting. Black is left with only his Bishop, so the game is a draw.
    September 19, 2023 GothicChessInventor vs. Staffordshire 2023 Match Game 3
    Black resigns on move 39
    This is Trice's Gambit Accepted with the Standard d-Pawn Reprisal variation. The earliest variation of this gambit, played originally in 2003. After 9. Ne4 white has four well-placed pieces while black has only two out of the gate. Just nine moves later, 18. Nxh7+ throwing away the white Knight might come as a shocking start to the game-winning combination to some of our readers. White follows up by taking aim at the overloaded black Archbishop with 22. Bj5! which is a deadly trap if black doesn't see 22...Axj5?? 23. Ag6+ Kg8 24. Qh5 Nh6 25. Re7! leading to a forced checkmate for white. Black correctly avoids this bait and sets up his own trap with 26...Be6 27. Ah5+ Kg8 28. Rxe6 Ng7! creating a triple fork of white's Archbishop, Rook, and Bishop. However, white's strong 29. Ag4!! indicates he saw further since it sets a counter-trap 29...Nxe6?? 30. Axe6# checkmating at once. White has the chance to win material but instead shows that black is in a zuzwang spiral that gets only worse. Black waves the surrrender flag soon thereafter. A great game by both players.
    October 03, 2023 GothicChessInventor vs. Staffordshire 2023 Match Game 4
    White resigns after move 60
    This is the Half Queenside Petroff opening. It usually leads to complex middlegame positions where either tactics or strategy can dominate, so it's very difficult to anticipate how your opponent will proceed, no matter which color one has! In this game we see how quickly the tide can change. White's strong attack at 18. Ai5 is stymied by the intermezzo 21...j6! and the momentum shifts in favor of black. With 25...Rh4! black has made his tangible positional advantage felt and white must again retreat. Black actually gets to play Nh4! twice with 28...Nh4! and 35...Nh4! one time hitting the white Queen and the other striking at his Chancellor. The combination 36. hxi4 Nxi2 37. Rxh8+ Rxh8 38. Kxi2 Rh2+ is what Bobby Fischer would refer to as the tail of the scorpion when annotating his own 8x8 chess games. White appears to be facing an unstoppable checkmate after 40...Cxi4 but the surprise 41. Qi1! is a tactical save worthy of study.
    October 09, 2023 Staffordshire vs. GothicChessInventor 2023 Match Game 5
    Black checkmates on move 41
    Ed Trice won this match by the score 3-1 with 1 draw. This game featured the Spike Counter Strategy opening. The move order 1. g4 e5 creates this landing where black seeks to avoid both symmetrical lines such as 1. g4 g5 and The Goalpost Variation which stems from 1. g4 g5 2. d4 In this particular game, black allows white to play 7. Nd5 to strive for maintaining the Bishop pair after 8. Nxf6 Axf6 and then black's Pawns are deployed onto dark squares to interfere with white's Bishop on that color. Look at the pawn structure after 14...f4 for a clear picture of how well this is working out for black. While white's 16. Ni1 may look odd, repelling the black Archbisop was necessary at that stage. Black is inviting white to push the Pawn from h4-h5 after 17...Ng7 but this bait cannot be taken. 18...j5! 19. h5? demonstrates a well-designed combination favoring black after 19...Nxh5! 20. Rxh5 Axh5 21. gxh5 Bxi2+ 22. Kxi2 Qxh5 23. Ag4 Qxg4! 24. fxg4 h4! leaving black with a solid attacking posture. The clever 26...Nd4! may puzzle even seasoned players, but again this is a well-placed trap waiting to be sprung. The obvious first choice for white 27. Bxb7 where the white Bishop threatens the black Rook is another deadly decoy. The final sneakily-buried landmine is 30...Nxe2! 31. Qh2 Cxg4! 32. Qxe2? which leads to the surprise ending. A game that demonstrates that the "obvious" best move is not always best!
    October 12, 2023 ArchbishopCheckmate vs. PhilHarris on
    White checkmates on move 14
    It pays to replay the games in this archive! Here ArchbishopCheckmate remembered the theme from the game played on October 16 back in 2004 between Ed Trice and Robert Colanzi, almost exactly 19 years before. You can replay that older game here and note the similarities. This short checkmate in 14 moves demonstrates the quintessential attack against a castled King that also has a fianchettoed Bishop. In this particular case, it is the Archbishop and Bishop that deliver the final checkmate.
    October 29, 2023 Ed Trice vs. Staffordshire (live stream)
    Drawn after 24 moves
    This game was streamed live and can be found on YouTube or by clicking on the Stream 01 item under the Live Streams menu on the left of any of our web pages. This is The Urvogel opening which starts our 1. h4 which is very similar to the opening proposed by Henry Bird in 8x8 chess. The idea behind it is to create the possibility of an early Rook Lift after the moves Nh3 g3 Bg2 f3 Af2 O-O which is the ideal setup for white. In this game we see Staffordshire create a triple battery on the same diagonal (which is impossible in 8x8 chess) bearing down on the c8-j1 diagonal. If you listen to the excellent commentary and analysis of the intrepet Doug Dysart, you will gain a deeper understanding than could possibly be typed here. I will say that the vicious attack that black initiates is one that all admirers of this game will very much appreciate. The repetition draw is reached after all of the fireworks had been unloaded.
    October 31, 2023 Staffordshire vs. TheUsualDK7
    Black resigned on move 24
    A great game where one sides baits the other to play an overwhelming attack which looks like a checkmate is near at hand. The game begins with the Spike Opening and the Advance Variation with 1. g4 d6 2. g5 where Staffordshire adds a new twist to the line with 3. h4 defending the seemingly over-advanced Pawn on g5. By move 7 white has both his Archbishop and Chancellor deployed, which is very early! By move 9 black has all three of his supermajors out looking for targets. This is the sure sign we are about to witness a true fight. White castles queenside directly into the upcoming attack and after TheUsualDK7 descends into white's camp with ...Ac4 and ...Qb4! it looks like an easy win for black. Not only does white survive, but 10 moves later he sacrifices his Chancellor for a spectacular combination. Black resigns in a show of true sportsmanship and respect for his opponent.
    November 07, 2023 Lenny vs Staffordshire
    Drawn by repetition on move 24
    Lenny came out swinging in this game and it became a mini grudge match after tempers flaired from an earlier contest. In that game Staffordshire felt he was denied the playing of his final decisive strike via Lenny's premature resignation. After the game Lenny confided that he would strive for a draw from the outset of this, the upcoming game. Lenny achieves his goal through the realization that Staffordshire often makes moves that he knows his own opponent will not be able to deal with properly. Staffordshire is a solid analyst and he does spend time going over every opponent's published games. Lenny passes up moves that would appear to lead to tangible gains and instead settles for moves that head towards equality, even if these moves are unusual and could provoke a counter-attack. It turns out such counter-attacks had their own hidden pitfalls that lechworthshire agreed were very guileful. In the end Lenny's strategic handling of the game outmaneuvered the tactical attempts thrown down by Staffordshire, proving once again it's best to get your revenge over the board rather than through taunts in discussion boards. A game with many positions worthy of study. Would you fall for the many traps, or can you see through each of the smoke screens?
    November 11, 2023 Staffordshire vs. Web A.I. Program
    White checkmates on move 26
    The talented player from Great Britain takes on the Jocly Node.js Program that is installed on our web server. It was configured to play on its strongest setting, and Staffordshire makes it look like a rank amateur. The program makes the "rookie mistake" of bringing out the Archbishop and Chancellor too early. By allowing 4. Ne4 Axe4 5. Bxe4 Cxe4 black "wins" two minor pieces for its own Archbishop. This is almost always bad for the side that surrendered the Archbishop. Even worse, after 11 moves, black has only the Chancellor deployed, since white was able to chase it around repeatedly. Black is up two pawns after 13...hxg5 but this was all part of white's design. He was already castled at this point and the white Archbishop and Knight were poised perfectly to accelerate black's ruination. Four moves later white has an easily winable position. The checkmate using the Archbishop, Chancellor, and Knight is a pretty finish to the King hunt.
    November 24, 2023 manuel vs. GothicChessInventor
    White resigned after move 23
    Here we have the strange case where an unknown player again emerged from obscurity and starting winning games against Doug Dysart who beat him easily in their first encounter. Doug invited Ed to challenge this manuel guy and see how good he actually was. It should be noted that manuel declined to give Ed the white pieces and insisted that he play with black. So after 5...Nf5 Ed allowed white to win a Pawn so that he could "fool the computer" if, in fact, manuel was using one to aid his play. Ed sacrifices material again with 12...Nxd4 13. cxd4 Bxd4 giving up his Knight for only two Pawns. This forced white to move his Chancellor, and Ed has a "postulate" that moving the Chancellor to c2/c7 is usually bad news for the side stranding the Chancellor in the c-file. This holds true yet again, as white eventually lost this game. Ed's active Bishop pair proved more valuable than the "difference in material" so we see a case where intuition triumphs over rote calculation. Later on we discovered that manuel was copying the moves from Grandmaster Friðrik Ólafsson vs. Grandmaster Bobby Fischer from 2006, which was already posted here in the archive. When manuel tried to "improve" on Grandmaster Ólafsson's play, Ed Trice was able to win more easily.
    November 25, 2023 RhodioR vs. Staffordshire
    Black checkmates on move 16
    Another great miniature by Staffordshire played at the time control of game in 10 minutes with a 5-second increment. White makes reasonable moves, but at the first sign of trouble, starts "chopping wood" as they say (capturing lots of pieces or playing to remove as many pieces as possible). Black responds by pinning the white Chancellor with the black Chancellor, and pinning the white Archbishop with the black Archbishop! This is a rare motif and one that creates an unexpected checkmate in the end. The black Chancellor and Knight cooperate perfectly to end the game.
    November 30, 2023 manuel vs. GothicChessInventor
    Draw by repetition at move 34
    Almost immediately after losing his prior game to Ed Trice, manuel immediately challenges him to another game. It is customary to swap colors after playing someone, but here manuel wanted the white pieces for the second time in a row. Since manuel was a new player, and he was obviously going over games in the archive perhaps as a form of study, Ed accepted the challenge. What happens next is a game played at an amazing level for lionized Grandmasters. How a beginner was able to play at this level will be a mystery for the ages. The game starts out 1. d4 d5 2. g3 Nh6 3. Nh3 and Ed decides to play 3...f5 to avoid any lines previously encountered in the game archive on the site. Usually Ed avoids such a move since pushing the f-Pawn two squares tends to block in the Bishop situated in the c-file. Black tries to throw white off balance with 7...c5! 8. dxc5 Nc6 deliberately not taking back the Pawn. White avoids making mistakes he made in prior games against both Doug Dysart and Ed Trice and finds impressive continuations such as 13. Bf3 which establishes the unlikely but positively correct recapture 15. Bxd1 which is not the least bit apparent. Almost unimaginably after black plays 17...h6 white allows his Knight to hang and get captured trivially by 19...hxg5 which seems to lack any merit. After the game, it is seen to mask subtlety of a profound nature. Furthermore, down material, white offers to lose his Chancellor for the black Archbishop after 21...Ah6 22. Cxg5!? which again is a trap latent with bait should Ed grab it right away. Play at a very high level, yet black made such a move instantly. The truly impossible move to make was 24. Rf1!?! which is offering to lose the 8x8 chess enxhange of Rook for Bishop while white is down material already while the 10x8 exchange loss of Chancellor for Archbishop is still pending! Even more amazing 24...Bxf1+ comes with a check that keeps the white king frozen in place. All of this miraculous sacrificing by white for the sake of achieving a draw via repetition of position is too much for most people to believe for a strong player, let alone a rank amateur. Such an astonishing improvement after just one game.
    December 15, 2023 shogi vs. Staffordshire
    Black checkmates on move 49
    Black plays this entire game strategically with little thought given to tactics, a very rare occurence in chess games and variants alike. First we observe Nj6 and Na6 both "stranding" the Knights on the outermost regions of the board. But notice how the white Bishops are unable to capture the Knights when they are posted "on the rim." No white pawns and neither white bishop can make a threat against either black Knight for the entire duration of the game, save three individual moves, and even then more important issues keep white from playing Bishop x Knight. Even more unusual, black rarely makes the "obvious recapture" for much of the game, leaving hanging and captured pieces unprotected and unavenged! We see a rare case where both white Bishops have captured onto black's back rank and remained there undisturbed. Black gives up the Light Exchange of Chancellor for Archbishop and loses the 8x8 exchange of Rook for Bishop. And after 31. Qd4! white is threatening checkmate on the next move, yet the simple and subtle 31...Qc7 by black pins the piece that would otherwise deliver checkmate, and one move later the black King himself is able avoid all of white's mating threats! Very courageous play by black! We get to witness how the white King is chased for 14 moves from the i2 square all the way to b5 where both uncaptured black Knights participate in the checkmate. Another unique gem where intuition prevailed and tradition material captures were avoided to cement the win.
    December 19, 2023 Ed Trice (blindfold) vs. Stockfish "Level 8"
    White checkmates on move 48
    This impromptu game began as Doug Dysart was about to start a YouTube video where he himself would play the Stockfish Variant program that can play Trice's Chess, when Ed just so happened to call him. Doug asked Ed what a good "first move" would be to try against the program, then proceeded to ask Ed what he would play after each subsequent response that the program had made. Doug then informed Ed that he was in fact playing against Stockfish even though he was doing some chores in his own kitchen. Ed continued to play without sight of a physical board, and until Doug mentioned that the program played the move 16...Nb8 at which time Ed mentioned, jokingly, that the game had transposed into a 10x8 version of the Bryer Variation of the Ruy Lopez 8x8 chess opening. Doug then replied that the program had moved 16...Ndb8 which is the proper disambiguation of the move (both black Knights could reach b8), since in the Breyer Variation black moves a Knight on c6 back to b8. So a "blindfold disaster" was averted, since Ed revealed he though the program played 16...Ncb8. By the time 24. Bf4 was played, Stockfish was already in deep trouble. We see the first interesting combination 26. Nxc5! Cxc5 27. Rc1 lining up the black Chancellor and Archbishop for a vertical x-ray attack, so 27...Cxc1 is forced and 28. Qxc1 increases white's advantage. 32. Rxg6! is another great positional move that demolishes black despite the fact that 32...Nxg6 "wins the exchange" as an 8x8 bean-counter would remark. Ed sacrifices material to confuse the program, time and time again. 35. Bd6!! is probably the biggest surprise of the game, since otherwise this white Bishop could have taken the black Archbishop instead. Ed elected to play a rare rank-closing block by disposing his own Bishop so that the very weak e6 square could be accessed by the white Archbishop for a deadly check. The follow-up revealed check 37. Ac7+! is crushing. 39. Cxf6+!! is another nice move, blindfold or not! The point if the black King takes the white Chancellor, the move Archbishop to d5 checkmates next. The eventual finish of the game is likewise ornate and worth reviewing.
    Christmas Morning, 2023 Staffordshire vs. Ed Trice
    Black checkmates on move 34
    While working late Christmas Eve, inventor Ed Trice received another challenge from out of the blue from his rival from England, who was already awake Christmas morning in his time zone. Supposedly the adversary found a "great move" that he wanted to try out, and it "couldn't wait" for another day. Reluctanly "another one of those games" was played. It began without fanfare as The Genesis opening and the 5. f4 Nd7 offshoot. 8...Nfg4 9. Ag1 was the first oddity, a forced Archbishop retreat to g1 after white had already castled. By the time the white Chancellor was chased to the queenside with 14. Cb3 it was on its way to becoming stranded and out of play. Look at the position after black's 20th move 20...gxf5 and you'll note the solid black Pawn structure and how white is getting "boxed in" by his own pieces on the queenside. Black's 21...a5 and 23...a4 drive home this point. The lightning bolt tactic 25...Bxj2+! comes as a shock, yet also makes sense intuitively after watching the game play out. But is it sound from this distance? Judge for yourself.
    January 1, 2024 Jacob LaReau vs. Ed Trice
    Black checkmates on move 27
    Another "internet challenger" stirring up trouble online to taunt the inventor into a game. It's really not necessary to undergo such machinations to set up a game. It is, after all, just a game! The challenger chose the white pieces for himself and with 1. f4 we see another player trying to graft an 8x8 chess opening onto the 10x8 board. Trust me, 1. d4 is a better way to begin Trice's Chess. An odd pseudo-Genesis Pawn formation is created with the colors-reversed since white plays 4. c3 and black has already played Nc6 with g6 previously pushed. Notice black removes his Bishop from g4 and supplants it with his Knight, all to apply pressure to white's Archbishop and the h2 square. Black forces another awkward retreat upon white with 16. Ne1 and this second reversing move is all the tempi black needed to iniate a landing party. With 17. Ae3 g3! things really get complicated. Can the white Archbishop take the black Queen while black has skewered the white Chancellor and Queen? Try to fight it out from there yourself.
    January 25, 2024 Doug Dysart vs. Ed Trice
    Black checkmates on move 27
    This game was a Cyborg Exercise demonstration. Doug was given permission to use online reference material for opening play and he could consult with any computer program to assist with evaluating any move. Ed Trice was tasked with demonstrating that even if a computer initiates a strong attack which looks overwhelming, a human that was given up to 24 hours to think for every move could not only outplay the computer, it was possible to "set a trap" for it as well. Black had been studying the 8x8 chess games of Victor Korchnoi for several months at this point in time, and found inspiration to bait white into such an attack. With 9...j6!? black feins weakness and both Doug and the computer could not resist 10. Bxi7 Ri8 11. Bxj6 Rj8 12. Bi7 but black had a strong intermezzo with 12...Bxj2+ which tears a gash into the white kingside. But black's kingside is in shambles. Who stands better? White ends up checking the black King onto his own third rank and winning material along the way after 13. Kj1 Axi7 14. Nxh7+ Kg7 15. Ai6+ Kh6! 16. Nxj8 Cxj8! 17. Axj8 Qxj8 and the position is enough to confuse even strong players. It has been "18-ply" since black employed his strategic move leading to this position. But while this is where the computer's search terminated, this is the place where Ed Trice began his analysis many moves ago. This is possible in turn-based play with hours to work out the details for each move. The coup de grâce featured an Archbishop sacrifice that wins in all variations: 20...Axj3+! 21. ixj3 Qxj3 and white can't stop the Queen + Bishop battery even though the black Queen gets pinned as part of the final combination. The game featured daring play and sharp tactics well-blended with a deep strategic plan executed from a great distance.
    February 23, 2024 Ed Trice vs. Doug Dysart
    Draw agreed on move 31
    The famous Game 100 in our great games archive. Switching sides but not switching gears from "baiting an attack" Korchnoi-style as in the prior game, here we see white "going for the win" with blatant aggression after having weathered a storm. Doug destroys Ed's kingside again. How can white afford to give up his Knight, a Rook, and a Pawn for "only" the black Archbishop? A lingering question that will remain on the minds of those who replay this game. Throwing everything at Doug Dysart but the proverbial Kitchen Sink, white played for a creative checkmate that just was not there. Critics of this game cite the often overly-stylistic attempts at attack made by progenitor Ed Trice. His reply: "Don't overlook the fact that black defended with nerves of steel and stared into a dark abyss to achieve this draw." Replay this game and you will see what we mean.
    February 29, 2024 Ed Trice vs. Staffordshire
    Black checkmates on move 51
    The Leap Year Game that will be talked about for quite a while. The occasionally-boisterous Staffordshire from Great Britain just had to open his yap and claim that Doug Dysart missed a win in the prior game. He insisted white gave up too much material and allowed the destruction of his own kingside to such an extent that black should have been able to score a full point. Well, the proof is in the pudding, as they say. Ed accepted the challenged and agreed to play up to and including 13. Qd2 and let Staffordshire finish the game from there. This game is full of the type of tactics that add tremendously to this chess variant.
    March 13, 2024 Ed Trice vs. Doug Dysart
    White checkmates on move 80
    The 5 Queens Game After seeing that Ed Trice granted Letchworthsire's request to replay a portion of this so-called Korchnoi game, could not resist trying things a little differently as well. Could black win if white's Archbishop sacrifice is declined? Ed jokingly said white would probably lose faster, but Doug called his bluff and got another shot at trying for the win. This game is noteworthy as the first time both sides promoted Pawns to Queens. White promoted two Pawns and black promoted one, so technically there were 5 different Queens on the board (though not all at the same time.)
    April 08, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse Game Doug Dysart vs. Ed Trice
    Black checkmates on move 94
    With the Total Solar Eclipse passing over the Dayton, Ohio area on April 8, 2024, Ed Trice could not resist scheduling a trip to Blue Ash and Greenville to meet with friends Doug Dysart and John Vehre. As predicted, the Total Solar Eclipse began around 3 PM where we all watched from John Vehre's house. By request, Doug asked to mark the occasion with a memorable game asking Ed to make the game unique in some way. Ed remarked "I'll try to do something with with an Archbishop that I haven't done before." The game began with the rare Half Volcano Opening via transposition (characterized by black pawns on the h6, d5, and c6 squares). This opening throws the players into new territory immediately. After black's 6...Ah7 he has Supermajors creating diagonal batteries from two different directions, controlling a great deal of white-squared territory. With white's 7. Ae3? we see the first miscue of the game. The white Archbishop has one job in the opening with two facets to it: Guard Duty over the squares h2 and h3. The Archbishop must prevent both ...Bxh3 from wrecking the kingside Pawn structure and the hypothetical ...Nxh2+ from forking the Rook. The high priest has abandoned his post, and there is a high price to pay for this error. With 9...Af5!? the Heavy Exchange of Queen for Archbishop is offered by black, which white declines. The sharp tactic 16...fxg4! 17. exf6 appears to lose black's Chancellor, but even with the Tail of the Scorpion sting available for white (a check before the end of the combination) black still comes out ahead in material. 18...Ke8! is the point overlooked by white: the black King takes shelter behind white's advanced pawn on the e7 square. Capturing onto e7 would have exposed the black King. We're soon playing just 8x8 chess and Doug thinks Ed will no longer be able to do "something with the Archbishop" to make the game unique. Suffice it to say after winning a great deal of material, Ed ended up Promoting 5 Pawns to Archbishops and throwing away both his Knight and Rook to checkmate using only the Archbishops. A game whose uniqueness is unquestionable.
    April 22, 2024 Gorgon Slayer vs. Ed Trice
    Black checkmates on move 10
    This blitz game started out as the Early Carapace variation of the Genesis Opening. That variation was named because of ...c6 (an early defense of d5 that is not yet forced) came before ...g6 which is the normal move order. Yet another game where Ed insisted he was "rusty" (allowing his Archbishop to be chased from both f6 and h5) but triumphed with a miniature featuring a smothered checkmate delivered by the Archbishop. Ed calls this a "one-trick pony" because of the sneaky pending threat ...Axg5 to grab the white Bishop which prompted white to play Axh3?? which "guards" g5 but unguards the critical h2 square. Ed is quoted as saying: "In the opening, the Archbishop has two jobs. To guard h3 against ...Bxh3+" and to stop Knight checks on h2." A quintessential example of why this is so.
    April 26, 2024 Martin DePrince vs Jimmy Shaughnessy
    Black checkmates on move 30
    A game well-played by two players with only 2-years worth of experience in this variant, each rated about 1700 on the USCF scale. Neither player ran from the fight while their own pieces were hanging. Instead, they looked for even stronger threats in other sectors of the board. Surprising play with nested pins and unexpected tactics resulted in a game worthy of demonstration on our website. Look at the position around 10. Bg2 Bxb7!? for example and see the "bravery of the near-sighted" as Tarrasch would sometimes quip. They will improve in time, I am sure.
    April 28, 2024 Ed Trice vs. Doug Dysart
    White checkmates on move 52
    Here is another unclocked, casual game starting out in The Spike opening. Black selects an offbeat line that features a blend of 8x8 chess opening ideas that are best categorized as a mix between the Pirc pawn deployment and a queenside version of Alekine's Defense. White obliges with the Knight chasing motif and after 3...Ne5 the Pawn on g4 finds itself under a double attack. White chooses 8. Cg2?! h5 9. Ni1?! allowing Axg2+ and black accepts the Light Exchange of the white Chancellor for the black Archbishop. After 18. Qg1 black appears to still have the better position, but it is clear white is playing with strategic intentions that are still murky. After black plays 19...Qc8! there is enough pressure applied to white's h3 square, there is probably a worthwhile sacrifice (such as ...Nxh3!) in the making even after 20. Qg2 slaps on a thin veneer of protection. Doug proves that Ed's attempt at creating strong rolling Pawns with 23. Nxg6? is a blunder, with 23...Bf5! 24. Nxe7 Cxe7 25. e4 Bd7 26. f5 Be5+! administering what Bobby Fischer called "The tail of the scorpion" (refering to when an opponent misses a check at the end of a combination attempt that completely channges the outcome from favorable to unfavorable). White reacts by "playing for traps" such as 30. Ne2?! which is hoping for 30...Bxb2? 31. Ng3! Bd4 32. Rb1! which would lead to the collapse of black's queenside pawns. Doug sidesteps this without flinching and uncorks his own surprise with 31...Cxe5 where he offers to return the Light Exchange if Ed plays Archbishop x Chancellor, which he, in turn, avoids. Ed plants a small landmine with 32. Af4! tempting black with another dangling pawn, this time on c4. But 32...Cxc4? would be a mistake, one that Doug avoids also. White realizes by now he must get very creative to outwit his opponent who is playing with tremendous resistance. Ed offers the Medium Exchange with 38. Axj7 Cxe2 39. Axe2 which means he is effectivly playing "down" the Heavy Exchange since black's remaining Supermajor is the Queen while white has only his Archbishop. The material differnce at this point is Archbishop + 3 Pawns vs. Queen + Knight. White's f-, g-, and h-pawns, combined with a deadly pin of the black Rook by the white Archbishop, eventually overpower the position. The endgame is played on "fast forward" and we are rewarded with a great Open Field Tackle checkmate where the Archbishop ends the game even though the enemy King appears to have open space (but this is an illusion).
    May 03, 2024 tea_drunk vs. wizardrunner
    White checkmates on move 25
    This game is played in a style similar to the aggressive King Hunts of Greco from the 1600s. Gioachino Greco's most fanous game from 1623 went: 1. e4 b6 2. d4 Bb7 3. Bd3 f5 4. exf5 Bxg2 5. Qh5+ g6 6. fxg6 Nf6 7. gxh7+! Nxh5? 8. Bg6# While this game wasn't exemplary of this exact form of a chess miniature it is a relentless pursuit of the King found in some of Greco's most exciting wins. In this 10x8 game tea_drunk finished off his opponent with a David & Goliath Mate where a Pawn delivers the final checkmate to the enemy King.
    May 09, 2024 Doug Dysart vs. Ed Trice
    Black checkmates on move 41
    Game 1 of a 2-game match agreed to be played from the starting position of Trice's Gambit Accepted 1. c4 f5 2. Nc3 Axc4 As is usually the case, we see white securing an early lead in development by giving up the often-stagnant c-pawn. Black plays cautiously and creates an impenetrable pawn perimeter. White "boomerangs" his bishop c1-g5-i3 but overlooks the aggressive rook's pawn thrust on black's uncastled kingside. After a protracted struggle featuring a slow strangulation, we see excellent technique by black in converting the late middlegame into an accelerated endgame. Black appears to let the beleaguered white chancellor "off the hook" with ...Ah8! but it's a clever tactical retreat with immediate positive results. The Chancellor’s Arabian Checkmate theme at the denouement is worth the price of admission.
    May 12, 2024 Ed Trice vs. Doug Dysart
    White checkmates on move 14
    Game 2 of the 2-game match agreed to be played from the starting position of Trice's Gambit Accepted 1. c4 f5 2. Nc3 Axc4 Here Ed Trice is given the white pieces in the opening that bears his name. The result is a 14-move miniature clearly demonstrating how quickly this system of play can generate an overwhelming attack. Black made two big mistakes: 1) opening up the f-file to the white Chancellor and 2) losing time setting up the flank Bishop check which was only a minor annoyance to white.
    May 12, 2024 Ed Trice vs. Doug Dysart
    White checkmates on move 31
    Game 3 of the 2-game match agreed to be played from the starting position of Trice's Gambit Accepted 1. c4 f5 2. Nc3 Axc4 Since the prior game ended so quickly, Ed took the white pieces again in this game. Here Doug played moves that were more in line with the theory of the opening. Ed passively sacrificed his Knight on c3 for the sake of gaining more time and momentum for the upcoming assault. This was an intuitive gamble and it's hard to explain via deductive reasoning. The heavy piece swapping that followed also seems counter-intuitive; usually one keeps the big artillery on board when in a strong or winning position since thinning out the attacking force usually aids the defender. But by the time 14. Re1 was played, it was the beginning of the end. It is with a strange sense of irony that Ed issues a flank Bishop check here in this follow-up game. In the prior contest, such a check accelerated black's loss while here it fast-forwards the win. 18. Bf8+!! was the outstanding move of the game and with 21. Bf6! white has three of black's pieces pinned simultaneously (Knight @ b8, Archbishop @ g8, Bishop @ g7). White sacrifices his last Rook to create a checkmate with his Knight, a very rare type of finish.
    June 25, 2024 Doug Dysart vs. Ed Trice
    Black checkmates on move 25
    In search of a new idea, black tests the waters with a gambit on the g5 square, in an attempt to throw of his well-booked adversary. White is up one pawn after 5. Nxg5 yet black has nothing tangible to show for it. By 9. dxe5 Bxe5 10. Bf4 Bxf4 11. gxf4 it is still not exactly clear what black might be up to, but 11...Qd6 answers that immediately. We notice f4 is particularly weak and h4 appears an easy target for harvesting later. In just two short moves we see after 13...Axh4 that white has a fork with check to win the black Rook on j8. But black sees the solo-checkmate possibilities with the Archbishop on g3, which white cannot ignore. Notice that after 18...Bxi2+ 19. Kxi2 Aj3+!! black has sacrificed a Rook, a Bishop, and is now offering an Archbishop! White cannot take it or else Qi4# is checkmate. But the sacrificing does not stop there. Black allows the Queen to fall, then the Archbishop (which is taken this time) and finally the checkmate with Chancellor and Knight is delivered. An excellent demonstration of how the tactical nature of this variant makes the game more exciting.
    10 wins match Game 01
    July 07, 2024 Ed Trice vs. Staffordshire
    White checkmates on move 34
    The first game in a challenge match to 10 wins, draws not counting. In the event the match reaches 9-9 the match will continue until someone is ahead by two games. This format was originally proposed by Bobby Fischer, and Staffordshire asked for these conditions against Ed Trice. In this first game, we see white playing almost hyper-strategically, avoiding tactic complications whenever possible. By the time 5...Nd7 was played most of us thought black had pretty much lost the opening struggle, even though white had moved only his Pawns at this point. White continues to throw black off his game with 7. Nj3!? and 8. Ni5 which looks risky, but it's not since white has control of h6. White's 12. Na3 is rubbing salt in the wound, since posting both Knights to the side of the board is generally not advised. Notice that after 19...Qc7 that black has five pieces deployed to his own second rank; not the best recipe for success. Still, how does white capitalize on this? He attacks on the queenside, naturally, and things happen at a faster pace now. Black castles queenside, right into the pawn advance, and this seals his fate. After 29...Bbx5+ can you find the winning tactic? It's game over, but at the cost of a great sacrifice.
    10 wins match Game 02
    July 12, 2024 Staffordshire vs. Ed Trice
    Draw agreed at move 50 before position repeated
    The first game in a challenge match to 10 wins, draws not counting. In the event the match reaches 9-9 the match will continue until someone is ahead by two games. This format was originally proposed by Bobby Fischer, and Staffordshire asked for these conditions against Ed Trice. In this first game, we see white playing almost hyper-strategically, avoiding tactic complications whenever possible. By the time 5...Nd7 was played most of us thought black had pretty much lost the opening struggle, even though white had moved only his Pawns at this point. White continues to throw black off his game with 7. Nj3!? and 8. Ni5 which looks risky, but it's not since white has control of h6. White's 12. Na3 is rubbing salt in the wound, since posting both Knights to the side of the board is generally not advised. Notice that after 19...Qc7 that black has five pieces deployed to his own second rank; not the best recipe for success. Still, how does white capitalize on this? He attacks on the queenside, naturally, and things happen at a faster pace now. Black castles queenside, right into the pawn advance, and this seals his fate. After 29...Bbx5+ can you find the winning tactic? It's game over, but at the cost of a great sacrifice.
    10 wins match Game 03
    July 17, 2024 Staffordshire vs. Ed Trice
    Black resigned on move 30
    In this the third game in the match, the colors for each side were the same as the prior game. This match format, where players get to play two games in a row with the same colors, makes it easier for home preparation. Staffordshire demonstrates that he did bring a great deal of research to the table. He played a variation of Trice's Gambit where white goes down two Pawns (instead of just one) all to strand the black Archbishop on the b6 square where it is very ineffective. One of the tenets of Trice's Gambit features white striving for Bd5 while the black Archbishop is still on the c4 square. White does so at the expense of a second Pawn, something which has never been attempted before this game. Black ends up with two extra Pawns yet is straddled with uncoordinated forces. Staffordshire said that the strong strategic retreat with 13. Bh1 was a typical motif in several of his at-home preparation games against some of the best players in England. By the time 17. Ci3 is unleashed, we get a sense of black's impending doom. It's not over yet, but the Fat Lady is warming up her vocal chords. Black's 18...Rh5 which "threatens" the white Chancellor that appears to have no safe retreat was actually all a part of white's tactical plans. It is rare to observe a Chancellor involved in a combination where it is traded for a Rook and a Knight. In this case, "losing" the Chancellor for its component pieces leads to a strategically won game for white. We are treated to another gem where Staffordshire uses his Chancellor in a unique fashion to carve out a win. Staffordshire postpones winning the Light Exchange of Chancellor for Archbishop in order to level the Pawn Count and finally recover his two gambit Pawns. The clever intermezzo 28. Nd5! sets up the final combination leading to Ed's resignation. A contest well-played by one of England's top proponents of the game.

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